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Under-Eye Light Filler

What is Under-Eye Light Filler?

Under-eye light filler is an aesthetic application used to eliminate skin problems in the under-eye area such as bruises, dark circles, bags and swelling. The purpose of under-eye light filler is to restore the necessary moisture and volume to the dehydrated under-eye area. Hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants used in this treatment eliminate hollowness under the eyes and give shine.

What is the Use of Under-Eye Light Filler?

Under-eye light filler, which is an effective treatment method for individuals with mild to moderate under-eye problems, is a treatment method that provides fast and effective results. Although it is not a surgical treatment, its effectiveness can be said to be high. The benefits of this method, which is generally used to treat detention problems, can be listed as follows:

  • Properly and correctly performed under-eye light filler can raise the hollows around the eyes and reflect the incoming light better. In this way, bruises and darkening can be prevented.

  • FillingThe hyaluronic acid, various peptides and vitamins contained in its ingredients refresh the skin by renewing the cells in the treated area. The change can be noticed immediately after the application.

  • Due to the filler applied to the under-eye area, the pits under the eyes may rise and become level with the cheek.

  • It can make the under-eye area look more flexible and bright.

  • It can prevent the under eye from looking tired and old.

How to Apply Under-Eye Light Filler?

There are important points that distinguish under-eye ray filling from other filling methods. In under-eye light filler, the filler is not applied directly under the skin. The filling material applied to the upper part of the under-eye bone is given gradually. Before starting under-eye light therapy, the physician obtains detailed information about the person to whom the treatment will be performed. In this way, he can determine the general medical condition of the patient, whether he needs under-eye light filler and whether he is suitable for this treatment.

Before applying under-eye light filler, the patient's under-eye is disinfected with a suitable antiseptic solution. Then, the area to be treated is anesthetized by applying special creams so that the patient does not feel any pain or suffering during the procedure. After numbness is achieved, the filler is injected slowly and gradually into the area to be treated using a cannula. Small rashes may occur where the cannula enters. However, these rashes are completely normal and may disappear on their own within 3 to 4 hours.

Since fillers produced specifically for under the eyes usually contain hyaluronic acid, the possibility of pain after the operation is low. After this procedure, which takes approximately 20 minutes, individuals can easily return to their daily lives. For redness and bruises that occur after the procedure, your doctor may ask you to apply an ice pack to the area.

Although the effects are clearly visible after the first application, it may take 10 to 15 days for the desired appearance to be achieved. In order to get successful results in under-eye light filler, it is important that the procedure is performed by a specialist and experienced doctor. Thus, the filling can settle in a shorter time and a more effective efficiency can be obtained after the procedure.

How Long Does the Effect of Under-Eye Light Filler Last?

Filling material, produced from materials suitable for under-eye use, can be applied to problematic areas under the eyes and provide a more vibrant and bright appearance. Under-eye light filler; It is one of the effective and efficient treatment methods used to treat under-eye bruises, pits, wrinkles and under-eye bags. However, the filling does not last for many years.

The permanence period, which varies from person to person, is generally determined by the person's genetic structure, lifestyle and the amount of filler used in the application. As the effect of the filler wears off, a new session may be required to recreate the same effect. Since the special material used for under-eye light filler is hyaluronic acid, the effect of this filler can last approximately 1.5 to 2 years. However, when the effect of the filler decreases, the duration of this effect can be extended by applying one more session of under-eye light filler.

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